Well, Halloween has come and gone, and we all know what that means…Christmas! Yes, I said it…no one really cares about Thanksgiving, do they? A bunch of casserole slop and awkward stuffy dinners with random relatives.  I say skip it and get right to the good stuff.

Everyone loves the Holidays! The glitter, the lights, the rush of season, and the cooler air.  It can get stressful, so I say start early, like Nov1st.  I know some of you don’t like that…. “Why can’t we wait until after Thanksgiving” you ask?  Because we don’t want to, and we’re the only country with that stupid rule.  Christmas brings me joy and I want to enjoy it for more than a few weeks.  

It takes a long time to prepare so you’re not freaking out trying to fit it all in.  Start early- you can write out Christmas cards in November while watching those Christmas Lifetime movies; keep them on your desk until January because you keep forgetting to buy stamps; and finally throw them in the drawer and forget about them until May.  

I also recommend putting your tree up one day and decorating it slowly over time. A quick centerpiece is as simple as a few glass ornaments in a pretty bowl or cut pine limbs tucked around some candle holders.  If you put out a lot of holiday décor, make sure to edit as you go. Take out some of your everyday decorative items and store them. 

Don’t overdo it, simple is always tasteful. Unlike these Instagram moms making life-sized nutcrackers out of carpet tubes and felt. When do they sleep? Stop making the rest of us feel bad lol.

Just do your best this holiday season and try to take time to enjoy it.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza….. Oh and Santa wanted me to tell you, “Don’t forget to shop at Broad Street Interiors for all your holiday gifts and décor.”