From the moment I could hold a crayon, I had a passion for art, design, and architecture.  Early in my career, I was fortunate enough to lead design and merchandising for a national interior design showroom.  From there, people started asking who designed the stores, and I slowly made the transition from retail to residential interior design.  The personal relationships that tend to develop with clients is one of the most rewarding aspects of this industry.  

I first met Pat, my business partner and co-owner of Broad Street Interiors in Atlanta when I was working at an interior design firm.  We became fast friends during our first design project together.  The design project was actually her personal family home, and we were both very pleased with how our collaboration turned out.  Since then, we have worked on countless projects together, so opening a local showroom seemed like the natural next step for us.  We definitely keep each other in balance, and like to push each other for great design.  This business needs both our creative minds to keep fresh, on time, and on budget. Fast foward a few years, and we were on our way to Savannah.

Moving back to Savannah after a few years away, I was surprised to find that Savannah was lacking in what this store can provide: a full-service design and furniture store, customizable to multiple budgets and tastes.  Pat and I wanted to be downtown, with close access to the islands.  This is our customer base, and we both feel we can serve them well here.

Savannah values art and design.  And we think the store blends right in with the eccentric vibe of the city.  We try not to take ourselves too seriously, and like that we are easily accessible to all our neighbors.

Pat is the other creative half of Broad Street.  In addition to her acute design eye, she makes sure we stay on schedule and most importantly, on budget.  She helps bring order and cohesiveness to the sometimes beautifully messy business of design. Pat is also co-owner of the famous “Amore e Amore” restaurant in Atlanta, and she brings this flair for customer service to our clients, vendors and service partners.

Tim is our architectural consultant.  Another designer at heart, he manages a large portfolio of new home designs, as well as custom home renovations.  While he helps us with local projects, he also works nationally, with most recent projects throughout the Coastal Southeast, the Florida Gulf, and the Pacific Northwest.

My personal forte is concept and design.  I like to tap into a client’s personal taste and unique sense of style to develop a space distinctively them, and undoubtedly Savannah.